The Simplest Way to Create Value

Share insights, not just information

Read time: 3 minutes

Everything is a remix.







“Nobody starts out original. We need copying to build a foundation of knowledge and understanding. And after that...the sky's the limit.”

Kirby Ferguson (Filmmaker, Speaker, Writer)

Copying someone (and stopping there) is one thing…Remixing is another.

As Kirby Ferguson describes in his TEDTalk and video series, the basic elements of remixing happen by copying, transforming, and combining existing work into something unique.

He believes creativity is dependent on one another…“Human genius is not individual. It is shared.”

Creativity is a remix.

I believe the same is true with information.

Sharing information is like copying.

Sharing insights is like remixing.

If you want to create unique value, then share insights, not just information.

Information is the necessary raw ingredient.

Once it becomes known, it’s a commodity. And you and I know that once something is a commodity, it’s less valuable.

So consider this.

When you share information, you’re like a messenger with no stake in the game.

  • To create value, you must be the first to share it or provide the information to the right person at the right time.

  • That requires speed and precision.

  • Attainable, but only a few pieces of information will be considered valuable.

When you share insights, your unique value is the message.

  • Insights don’t require speed and precision.

  • Instead, they carry depth and breadth and can be timeless.

  • They allow a wider audience to draw valuable connections and serve as next-level information.

There are 3 levels of insight:

  • Meaningful insights

  • Analytical insights

  • Strategic insights

Meaningful Insights

To build meaningful insights, make the information make sense.

In other words, reshape the information into an understandable and relatable form.

Use metaphors, stories, or anecdotes to see past the words and deeper into “what” those words are trying to say.

Deconstruct and rebuild the information.

Analytical Insights

To build analytical insights, connect the dots to relevant information.

In other words, transport information back to the past, in and around the present, or into the future.

Use trends, predictions, or relationships to show “why” the information matters.

Draw conclusions and reframe the information.

Strategic Insights

To build strategic insights, make the information useable and actionable.

In other words, build a strategy from “here” to “there,” using the information to illuminate the path.

Use big-picture thinking, foresight, and critical thinking to show “how” to put the information to use.

Leverage the information.

To remix information into insight, push it through these 3 questions:

  1. What does “the information” mean?

  2. Why does “the information” matter?

  3. How can I put “the information” to use?

Then, repeat to draw better conclusions.

Information surrounds you, meaning you can draw insights from anywhere.

I challenge you to think about the thought leaders you follow.

Do they share information, or do they share insights?

The next time you read a chapter, watch a YouTube video, or listen to a podcast, use it as an opportunity to turn a piece of information into something meaningful, relevant, or actionable.

The more unique the insight (without being made up), the more value it has for you and others.

Insights are enabling functions.

They carry depth and breadth with a much longer shelf life.

They create better, more impactful, and newer variations of work.

And that has a positive impact on the world around you.

Because everything is a remix.

Shareworthy comment: I came across Kirby’s TEDTalk in 2019 and was blown away by the simplicity and depth of his insight. It’s an interesting watch but only scratches the surface of his epic video series (it’s remarkable…check it out here)

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